The Law of Attraction- What it is and the Psychology Behind it

August 9, 2023
4 mins read
The Law of Attraction- What it is and the Psychology Behind it
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Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Randy Withers, LCMHC

We still don’t fully understand or appreciate the true power of the mind. Mind over matter is an old saying, but it’s more relevant than ever in today’s modern world when we are discovering new ways in which the mind can be used.

If you have never heard of the law of attraction, you would be forgiven for assuming it’s some kind of dating strategy. The truth is that the law of attraction is so much more than that, it can be used to achieve our goals and long-term objectives. Let’s find out more.

The Law of Attraction- What it is and the Psychology Behind it
The Law of Attraction- What it is and the Psychology Behind it

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction revolves around the notion that our thoughts and emotions can exert an influence on the events we encounter. Essentially, it suggests that maintaining a positive outlook and nurturing aspirations could potentially pave the way for their realization. Conversely, harboring pessimism might inadvertently attract unfavorable circumstances.

To simplify, envision our thoughts as a sort of magnet: when we cultivate optimism and set specific goals, it can bolster our emotional well-being and fortitude. This principle shares similarities with the idea that altering our perceptions can trigger shifts in our sentiments and behaviors.

However, it’s important to recognize that not every wish translates into reality solely through cognitive processes. Factors such as diligence, chance, and interpersonal dynamics also factor in significantly. While the Law of Attraction presents a compelling notion, it constitutes merely a fragment of the larger picture in our journey toward self-improvement.

How Does it Work?

How does the law of attraction actually work? When we look at the principles of the law of attraction in psychology, there’s clear evidence that positive thinking can help boost our emotional state and even improve our physical health.

However, the law of attraction goes one step further. It states that while positive thinking can indeed offer us physical and mental health benefits, it can also help us achieve our life goals.

The Law of Attraction is often associated with a set of seven sub-laws that help explain its principles and guide its application. These sub-laws provide additional insights into how to harness the power of the Law of Attraction effectively. Here is an overview of these seven sub-laws:

  1. Law of Magnetism: This sub-law emphasizes that similar energies attract each other. It suggests that the energy and emotions we emit through our thoughts and feelings can influence the events and experiences we attract into our lives.
  2. Law of Manifestation: This sub-law focuses on the process of turning thoughts and desires into tangible reality. It underscores the importance of clarifying your goals, visualizing their achievement, and believing in their eventual manifestation.
  3. Law of Right Action: This sub-law stresses the significance of taking appropriate actions aligned with your intentions. It reminds us that positive thoughts alone are not enough; action is a vital component of bringing our goals to fruition.
  4. Law of Delicate Balance: The Law of Attraction encourages maintaining a balance between actively pursuing your goals and allowing the universe to work its magic. It suggests finding harmony between intention and detachment, ensuring you don’t become overly fixated or desperate.
  5. Law of Unwavering Desires: This sub-law highlights the importance of maintaining consistent focus and determination toward your desires. It suggests that persistent, unwavering belief and commitment to your goals can amplify the Law of Attraction’s effectiveness.
  6. Law of Harmony: The Law of Attraction emphasizes the need to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions harmoniously. By cultivating positive emotions, you can create an energetic resonance that attracts similar positive experiences.
  7. Law of Universal Influence: This sub-law emphasizes that our thoughts and energies have a broader impact beyond our immediate experiences. It suggests that the positivity we radiate can contribute to a more positive collective consciousness and, in turn, influence the world around us.

These seven sub-laws provide a framework for understanding and applying the Law of Attraction in various aspects of life, from personal goals to relationships and beyond. It’s important to note that while these sub-laws offer guidance, the Law of Attraction remains a concept that may require a combination of positive thinking, focused action, and external factors to achieve desired outcomes.

The Law of Attraction Explained

How To Harness the Power of the Law of Attraction

Harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction involves a blend of intention, focus, and action. Begin by clearly defining your goals and desires. Visualization plays a crucial role – vividly imagine achieving your aspirations, engaging your senses and emotions in the process. However, visualization alone is insufficient; break down your goals into actionable steps.

Consistent positive thinking is key. Cultivate an optimistic mindset, replacing doubt with belief in your ability to manifest your dreams. Surround yourself with positivity, whether through affirmations, uplifting media, or supportive relationships.

Align your actions with your intentions. Take tangible steps toward your goals, embodying the Law of Right Action. Persistence is vital – setbacks are natural, but maintain unwavering dedication. Embrace the Law of Delicate Balance, remaining committed yet open to unexpected opportunities.

Stay patient and maintain harmony between your thoughts, emotions, and actions. As you progress, recognize the Law of Universal Influence – your positive energy extends beyond yourself. Harnessing the Law of Attraction involves a dynamic interplay of mindset, effort, and universal resonance, ultimately shaping your reality.

Final Thoughts

To sum things up, the Law of Attraction is like a hidden treasure within our minds. We’re still unraveling all its secrets, and it’s more relevant today than ever before. It’s not just some dating trick – it’s a powerful way to make our dreams come true.

Imagine our thoughts as little magnets that attract good or bad things. When we focus on the good stuff and keep our hopes up, we can improve our mental state and even become healthier. But the Law of Attraction goes even further. It says that positive thinking can also help us grab those big goals we’ve set.

There are these cool “sub-laws” that break down how to use the Law of Attraction. They’re like guides to thinking positively and getting what we want. But remember, it’s not just wishful thinking. Hard work, good timing, and how we connect with others also matter.

So, if you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you, start by picturing your dreams clearly. Think about every step to reach them, and stay positive all the way. This magic isn’t just about thinking – it’s about believing and acting too. As we keep exploring the power of our minds, the Law of Attraction shows us how our thoughts can shape our world.

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Randy Withers, LCMHC

Randy Withers, LCMHC is a Board-Certified and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor at Practical Counseling and Wellness Solutions, LLC in North Carolina. He has masters degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lenoir-Rhyne University and Education from Florida State University, and is the managing editor of Blunt Therapy. He writes about mental health, therapy, and addictions. In his spare time, you can find him watching reruns of Star Trek: TNG with his dog. Connect with him on LinkedIn. If you are a NC resident looking for a new therapist, you can book an appointment with him.

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Randy Withers, LCMHC

Reviewed for accuracy by Randy Withers, MA, NCC, LCMHC, LCAS. Licensed Therapist and Managing Editor of Blunt Therapy

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