Your Donation Matters

Your donation helps keeping high quality content designed to make people’s lives better.
Thank you so much for your interest in Blunt Therapy. Just the fact that you have visited this page means the world to me. Blogs like this one take hundreds of hours of time to create and maintain.

Donations like yours are the difference between reaching people who need to read our posts and having to shut down forever due to a lack of funds.
If you need some more information about what we are trying to do, I’ve provided a couple of links for you here.
Every gift helps us write an article, purchase a plugin, promote with advertising, or pay for hosting…
Mental illness and substance abuse affects tens of millions annually. Last year, 47,000 Americans committd suicide and more than 38 MILLION were diagnosed with a mental illness.
Our mission at Blunt Therapy is to promote awareness, education, and frank discussions about mental health, substance abuse treatment, healthy relationships, and positive parenting. We want to be the best mental health blog on the internet. Your donations move us one step closer to achieving that goal.
Donations to Blunt Therapy are highly leveraged:
Every $25 we raise us pay for much needed plugin subscriptions for an entire year.
Every $50 we raise helps us stay online for an additional 2 months.
Every $200 we raise pays for articles, web hosting, advertising, and SEO.
But every single penny matters. Every single one.
Thank you so much. It’s people like you who keep me going.